As a leader in PET Radiopharmaceutical distribution, Cardinal
Health is in a unique position to gather and share the experiences
of leading oncologists and surgeons with the referring physician
community. Cardinal Health’s PET Foundations program
is designed to build awareness and educate referring physicians
on the clinical efficacy and the appropriate uses of PET.
The PET Champions’ series is designed to help PET interpreting
physicians establish a network of expert peers and understand
the keys to building a successful PET practice.
Grow patient volumes with local support from Cardinal Health through
a comprehensive marketing and education program.
Champions SeriesSM
Build a successful PET practice by establishing a network of expert peers, marketing
PET effectively in the professional environment, and delivering high quality
PET services.
Clinical Reprint
The Cardinal Health PET Clinical Reprint Library contains over 200 references to recent peer reviewed literature. This list includes many references from oncology and surgery journals, in addition to nuclear medicine and PET journals.