Setting the highest standards in the radiopharmaceutical
Operational excellence requires more than expertise and resources. It requires a commitment,
throughout an entire organization, to solve problems and create greater efficiencies for customers
in every aspect of their business.
It takes constant vigilance, flexibility, and consistent uncompromising
standards. It takes the Nuclear Pharmacy Services business of Cardinal
Health, the pioneer and industry leader for more than 25 years.
The provider that fills 65% of unit dose radiopharmaceutical prescriptions
nationwide, more than
10,000,000 prescriptions, every year.
A Corporate Culture That Fosters Excellence
Cardinal Health’s corporate
culture is one of operational excellence, in compounding, packaging,
delivery, disposal and support services. This culture is evident in the
way Cardinal Health responds to customers and anticipates your needs.
It is also a culture of innovation, to make sure Cardinal Health customers
and their patients always
benefit from the latest, safest, most efficient method of using radiopharmaceuticals.
Unit Dose Dispensing Quality and Accuracy
Rate of 99.999%
For Cardinal Health, operational excellence starts
with quality and high standards. Because Cardinal
Health maintains an accuracy rate of 99.999% in
filling prescriptions, the quality and consistency of
Nuclear Pharmacy Services’ unit dose is unmatched.
Every unit dose is dispensed by Cardinal Health’s
550 specially-trained nuclear pharmacists, in one of
Cardinal Health’s nationwide network of over 150
pharmacies — pharmacies that stock the industry’s
largest and broadest inventory of radiopharmaceuticals.
The Most Rigorous Quality and Regulatory
Audits in the Industry
Three times a year, we have unannounced, internal
audits of our pharmacies, and our nationallyacclaimed
instrument calibration lab, overseen by
our internal audit committee, in addition to audits
required by regulatory agencies. We maintain
global controls of quality, and follow very strictly
the procedures in our pharmacy policy manual,
maintaining standards higher than the law requires,
and challenging regulatory agencies on rulemaking
procedures. At Cardinal Health, there is no compromise when
it comes to quality.
Safety Beyond Regulatory Standards
It is essential to maximize the safety of radiopharmaceuticals
for your technologists and your
patients. Cardinal Health’s quest for excellence
drives it to challenge regulatory agencies on
rule-making procedures, and to raise safety standards
in the industry. Cardinal Health does this with
innovations such as the SECURE® Safety Insert
System, and tungsten-shielding accessories,
decreasing the risks from biohazardous wastes, and
enabling you to meet OSHA and other requirements.
Enhancing Your Productivity
With Cardinal Health’s service, your nuclear medicine
technologist is freed from many of the requirements
of the hot lab to focus on the needs of patients.
Your nuclear medicine technologist has less
paperwork and fewer orders to place, making
your staff more productive.